About me
Female Strength Coach
Hi, I’m Jo. I love sunrise swims, cold water immersion and cats. I’m a gin lover, a nature lover and spend us much time outside as I can with my rescue pup.
I have been dedicated to strength training for the past 14 years. I became a qualified Personal Trainer in 2020, passionate about sharing how awesome it is to be strong!
I have been involved with different modalities of strength training over the years. With a background in dance and gymnastics, I found strength training in my late teens and felt and saw the benefits quickly. I was stronger, I had better balance, increased coordination and more body awareness.
I moved from Edinburgh to Sydney in 2013 and started training in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting shortly after. Over the past 8 years this has been my focus and I have competed at both state and national level.
It made sense that my love and passion for training should become my focus in life and in 2020 I finally left corporate life behind and started working as a coach.
I work with women who want to take their training to the next level. Empowerment of women is my passion and purpose. One of the best ways a woman can improve her confidence, body composition and health is through strength training.
I help women get strong and optimise their health by using sustainable training and nutrition practices that align with their unique physiology. It is my mission to create strong and resilient bodies and to equip women with the knowledge to continue training in the long run. I bring all this together with nutrition to support your training and your health, I guide you to creating lifestyle habits that flow into your training and help you become more connected to your body. I help women in the pre-conception time of their life and prepare them to train throughout pregnancy.
My training philosophy
I want people to shift their mentality surrounding exercise and food. For too long, exercise has been seen as a way to punish ourselves because we don’t look a certain way, we have eaten ‘bad’ food and the focus becomes how many calories can exercise burn. I want to create an environment where women think how to move optimally and be amazed at what their bodies can achieve. I also encourage my ladies to connect to their bodies more deeply by understanding you unique menstrual cycle.
Let’s focus on what your body can do, nourish it with the foods you need to train and move away from negative body image and improve our relationship with food.
Qualifications & Experience
— Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness
— Dr Stacy Sims- Women Are Not Small Men Certification
— Pre & Postnatal Coaching Certification
— AWF State Weightlifting/Sports Power Coach Level 1
— NZSIA Level 1 Ski Instructor
— Over 14 years strength training experience
— Over 8 years experience in Olympic Weightlifting and national-level competitor